Wood and Straw Housing / NZI Architectes

Wood and Straw Housing / NZI Architectes - Interior PhotographyWood and Straw Housing / NZI Architectes - Image 3 of 19Wood and Straw Housing / NZI Architectes - Interior PhotographyWood and Straw Housing / NZI Architectes - Image 5 of 19Wood and Straw Housing / NZI Architectes - More Images+ 14

Nogent-le-Rotrou, France
  • Architects: NZI Architectes
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1100
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019
  • Photographs
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Bacacier, Cruard Charpente
  • Client: Nogent Perche habitat
  • Fluids Economy: PCETECH
  • City: Nogent-le-Rotrou
  • Country: France
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Wood and Straw Housing / NZI Architectes - Image 3 of 19
© Juan Sepulveda Grazioli

Text description provided by the architects. Wood & Straw, an innovative and responsible constructive choice. Straw insulation is a natural material: it is a material healthy, durable (experiments show straw houses dating back nearly 100 years) and powerful (we get resistances of the order of 9 W / m².K - compare to 5 W / m².k traditionally for walls properly isolated).By opting for the construction of wood & straw, biosourced construction is favored, which limits the use of unsustainable resources.

Wood and Straw Housing / NZI Architectes - Image 8 of 19
© Juan Sepulveda Grazioli

The constructive advantage of wood and straw construction compared to the traditional wooden structure and MOB wood frame walls is the possibility of complete prefabrication of the wall. The low weight of the wooden structure and straw allows the production of large areas of factory walls. The assembly line does not require a very powerful crane and the panels can be easily handled on site with light lifting equipment.

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© Juan Sepulveda Grazioli
Wood and Straw Housing / NZI Architectes - Image 19 of 19
Floor plan
Wood and Straw Housing / NZI Architectes - Image 17 of 19

The insertion of the program in the site. The plot, a real park in the district of Gauchetières, is surrounded byJean Moulin Avenue to the west, Val Street to the east and Paul Langevin Street to the north. The landscaped importance of the site (large free park) allowed a free and structured implantation: the houses project will respond in the same way as the other buildingspresent in the park. The boundaries on the north side will be treatedlandscape and porous, to be perceived as thresholds.At the back of the parcel of fences will be set up, with wicketaccess. The pedestrian can continue to cross the park thanks to the faults that preserve the distant views, the porosity and create asupervision from Paul Langevin Street.

Wood and Straw Housing / NZI Architectes - Interior Photography, Windows, Door
© Juan Sepulveda Grazioli

The project's challenge is not to recreate a built-up front but rather to create different rhythms and stay open on the site. By creating these faults of the street, the houses are grouped by module, which we will call "block" of 4 to 5 houses:Block A, the central block B, Block C.A and C are identical, in mirror.

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© Juan Sepulveda Grazioli

The central block B is slightly set back from A and C, to allow the requalification of the pedestrian band located between the car parks of the schools and the future houses. This withdrawal also allows breakthroughs not only south but also diagonally. It protects the houses from the proximity of the street.

Wood and Straw Housing / NZI Architectes - Image 12 of 19
© Juan Sepulveda Grazioli

The houses arearranged in staggered rows to avoid sudden repetition by too rough alignments. The decommissioning of one house in two generates private green spaces and limits the creation of fence. An alternation of the heights of factage also allows to vary the silhouette and to energize it.

Wood and Straw Housing / NZI Architectes - Image 14 of 19
© Juan Sepulveda Grazioli

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Cite: "Wood and Straw Housing / NZI Architectes" 12 Jun 2019. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/918820/wood-and-straw-housing-nzi-architectes> ISSN 0719-8884

© Juan Sepulveda Grazioli

生物材质街区住宅 / NZI Architectes

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